Volunteers can help us by:
- Interacting with children and families who come to the Center, making them feel comfortable and at ease. Includes engaging children in activities such as playing a board game, coloring, reading or watching a movie.
- Contacting by phone, non-offending caregivers to complete a client evaluation survey of their services received at The Bridge.
- Sorting through donations – stuffed animals, toys, juice and crackers.
- Ensuring that toy shelf, refrigerator, and crackers are stocked, and ready for children and families.
- Scanning client paper files into computer filing system.
- Assisting with community education programs and health fairs.
- Decorating for holidays.
- Assisting during special events
- Assisting with maintenance needs – replacing lights (indoor and outdoor), shoveling snow, touch-up painting, etc.
Must be 18 years of age or older and a high school graduate. To maximize resources and engagement we accept applications from volunteers who are able to serve 50 hours or more only. All volunteer applicants must submit to a Child Abuse & Neglect Central Registry (CANRIS) check, criminal background check and registered sex offender screening.
You will meet with the volunteer coordinator and go through an interview process to discuss your interests, take a tour of our agency, and set up when you would like to volunteer.

Training will be individualized and based on your interests. Training for each volunteer will also include an overview of our agency, observation of the community education programs, introduction to child abuse and how to respond to questions and situations that you may come in contact with while you are volunteering.

- Observe forensic interviews of children
- Attend information sessions with Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners which will explain the purpose and process of exams.
- Observe criminal or civil court cases in both Randall and Potter counties
- Observe Case staffing, a meeting held weekly in which professionals involved with a case come together to share information
- Observe and assist with community education programs
- Work closely with representatives of partner agencies
- Work with families by completing Crime Victim’s Compensation applications and assist with community resource referrals.
- Travel with a forensic interviewer and work out of satellite offices in Pampa,
- Hereford, Dumas, & Clarendon
- Attend professional trainings hosted by The Bridge
For more information contact us below.